- The UNC Writing Center should be your first stop as you plan your paper.
- Search engines and directories of search engines Use these search engines to find information for your research.
- Fussy Professor Starbuck’s Cookbook of Handy-Dandy Prescriptions for Ambitious Academic Authors Read it and learn how to write like a pro.
- The Elements of Style (By William Strunk, Jr. Although this is the OLD OLD OLD edition, it sill contains good advice. It has two sections, one on Elementary Rules of Usage, and the other on Elementary Principles of Composition)
- How to Add Citations to your Paper
Web and Internet Resources:
- Transparency Now Ken Sanes created Transparency in 1997 to offer a portion of what is now two and a half decades of writing on the media, popular culture, ethics and human nature. Since the site’s inception, these writings have been used in college classrooms around the English speaking world, and numerous students have cited them in papers. In addition, the site is linked to probably by more than a thousand sites around the Internet, including college sites for classroom use, online magazines, and web indexes of the best resources on the Internet.
- Teaching about wealth & inequality? Check out Lisa Keister’s web site.
- The Internet Detective Learn how to figure out which Internet sites and sources to trust! An interesting interactive tutorial.
- Another web site that has tools for helping you find credible sources.
- Listing of searchable databases on Lycos that you CANNOT get to directly through Web search engines
- Web Reference Resources Lindell Library, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN
- Using the Internet for Research A guide written by Charlie Harris for the Pure Fiction web site.
- Plagiarism mistakes & how to avoid them
- Interactive style guidelines for APA style
- Evaluating Information Found on the Internet Elizabeth E. Kirk is Head, Entrepreneurial Library Program, John Hopkins University.
- Lessons Learned: Exemplary Practices in Teaching Web Evaluation Susan E. Beck, Presented October 30, 1998 at the 17th Annual Fall Conference New Mexico Council for Higher Education Computing/Communications Services (CHECS) Alamogordo, New Mexico
- Thinking Critically About World Wide Web Resources by Esther Grassian, UCLA College Library.
- Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet — Verifiability Very detailed site maintained by Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP. Oriented toward legal education but relevant to all social science fields.
- Widener University Wolfgram Memorial Library: Evaluating Web Pages
- Practical Steps in Evaluating Internet Resources from the Milton Eisenhower Library at the Johns Hopkins University
- Statistical Resources on the Web (From that GREAT University in Ann Arbor)
- UNC Library’s Electronic Databases and Web Resources for Research
- Try the Academic Universe section of the UNC Library databases. It has a slimmed down version of Lexis/Nexis. Go to the above Web site and click on Academic Universe. Here is a description written by library staff: Academic Universe is a web-base service that provides access to most of the information formerly available on the Lexis/Nexis Educational Program(approximately 75% of the titles). It covers general, regional and international news, company news and financial information, legal information (including law reviews, case law and legal rulings, and other topics such as biographical information. Some of the files go back to the 1970s and depending on the file, they may be updated, daily, weekly, monthly or annually, or as material becomes available. Many of the files are full text. Academic Universe does not have the same restrictions as the L/N Educational Program and can be used by students faculty and staff of the university and any library patrons on site. Academic Universe is a service of Lexis/Nexis and the Congressional Information Service.
. Search the Questia web site for resources.