- How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School John D. Bransford,Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking, editors
- Assessment in Higher Education This page provides a bibliography of some important papers about student assessment which have been published online and are available in full free of charge.
- Student Peer Assessment Student assessment of other students’ work, both formative and summative, has many potential benefits to learning for the assessor and the assessee. It encourages student autonomy and higher order thinking skills. Its weaknesses can be avoided with anonymity, multiple assessors, and tutor moderation. With large numbers of students the management of peer assessment can be assisted by Internet technology.
- Weblogs in [email protected] How to set up & run Blogs — sort of free form discussion boards, open to everyone, within particular content domains.
- MERLOT is a free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students in higher education. With a continually growing collection of online learning materials, peer reviews and assignments, MERLOT helps faculty enhance instruction. MERLOT is also a learning community.
- Learning styles based on Kolb’s work, as summarized and interpreted by Don Clark. Suggestions on how to assess students’ learning styles.
- Bloom’s taxonomy as summarized by Don Clark. Also an overview of 3 types of learning.
- The VARK learning style inventory on the Active Learning site.
- Curriculum webs A textbook and website based tutorial to help you build your own course web site. An alternative to WebCT and Blackboard?